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Kathy Boehm (KB) offers remote math tutoring for students in any location, via Skype or Google Meet.
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Building Confidence and Boosting Student Engagement Since 1986
math tutoring nashville

The math is the easy part. If all I had to do was demonstrate math knowledge to students, I'd have the simplest job in the world.

But for me, tutoring is about building--or often re-building--confidence. I search for the key to unlock the student's potential. I strive to work myself out of a job by teaching ahead.

My students usually go to class having already attempted the material with me. Thus, they are more receptive to instruction and better engaged.

I try my hardest to break the vicious cycle of confusion and frustration, replacing it with a positive cycle of confidence and learning.

math tutoring
Different Students 
Require Different
Approaches to Learning

Some students are gifted at math and just need a session or two to understand a challenging topic.

Others want to raise an already high grade to an even higher level.

Still other students come to me in danger of failing. With one exception, no student of mine has failed their class.

Finally, I have experience teaching and tutoring students with learning disabilities. Although I am not an exceptional education teacher, I have tutored many students with ADHD and other learning differences. 

I have learned to accommodate students' various learning styles. I build in short breaks for students who need them, and I provide sufficient wait time so that the student can think clearly without undue pressure to perform.



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ACT Quizlet

ACT Prep Resources
Just click below:

Before you pay for tutoring:


ACT has free test prep materials at ACT Academy.

Before you pay for SAT tutoring, check out Khan Academy.

Need help with another subject? Ask me for a referral.

There are some subjects I just don't know, and there's always a chance I won't "click" with your child. I

If we have a mis-match, we'll need to do what's best for the student. 

I have lots of friends who tutor, and I'm confident we can find a tutor for your child, no matter what the need or subject.

Standardized Test Prep

I have seven years experience preparing students for all four areas of the ACT.

I am also experienced with the PSAT, SAT, and GRE.

Test prep is most effective when the student practices at home as well as with me. I can recognize patterns in each student's mistakes and help each student formulate a strategy.

Although I can't guarantee specific results, most students do improve from the first to second attempt at a given test. Practice and individual tutoring often result in even bigger gains.

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© 2020 by Kathryn W. Boehm  Proudly created with

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